Kyambogo University, Kampala, Uganda
Generations, Magnify the Lord – Luke 1:39-56
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Generations, Magnify the Lord – Luke 1:39-56

“My soul magnifies the Lord”

The fellowship of the young lady Mary with her elderly relative Elizabeth is a perfect image of what Apostle Paul encouraged Titus about: “Older women… train the young women…” (Titus 2:3-5). It is cross-generational fellowship and ministry. There are mutual benefits as can be seen clearly: Elizabeth speaks with prophetic understanding, and Mary sings and teaches Elizabeth a new song in response to a revelation, and both are encouraged, hence lengthening their fellowship to three months.

Young people need mentoring by elders, and elders need the energizing novelties from the younger people. Although cross-generational may also mean differences in style, speech, dressing, appreciation of culture, yet fellowship remains relevant and necessary because of the mutual benefits which cannot be gained in any other way. For certain all older women have been young before, and the younger ones are likely to get old one day; and despite the differences, the growth curve has many more experiences that will be the same for all who tread it. Learning from others’ experiences results in progress and saves one from many pitfalls.

Back to the blessed women in fellowship: Elizabeth recognizes the blessing in the visit of not just a younger woman but a future mother of the Lord – somehow Elizabeth knows this. As is her responsibility, she goes on to encourage and comfort Mary whose experience with an Angel earlier had left her really frightened; now a motherly relative reassures her that all is well, and “blessed is she who believed”. Mary’s song is no selfish one either; she asserts that God’s “mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation”, and this must have been great music to the woman whose faithfulness to God was only paying off in her old age – barrenness now replaced and overshadowed by an extraordinary pregnancy. The next generation, the babies yet unborn were also in fellowship and magnifying the Lord, as Elizabeth understood and so exclaimed to Mary! As we learn from one another and worship the Lord across generations, we are also charged with raising children – the next generation – in the fear and love of God.

God bless you all.

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