Each one of us has been created for a purpose; the righteous end up declaring God’s praise through their lives, while the wicked await punishment on the day of trouble (Prov 16:4, Is 43:21). The question of one’s purpose for living is of principal importance, and should be overlooked at one’s own peril. Paul the Apostle was constantly articulating and making clear what he recognized as his purpose – to preach the gospel to Gentiles (Rom 15:18-19, Col 1:24-25). He then takes liberty with moral authority to deliberately encourages and stir up his junior colleagues to “fulfill the ministry”; Timothy and Archippus receive similar instructions in the same words (2Tim 4:5, Col 4:17).
Ron Kenoly once had a quotation on his website that read, “There is nothing more satisfying than to know you are where God wants you to be”. Having served in the US Air force and as Music Pastor as well as international Worship Leader, he had traveled the world, and he found no better place. Johnny Cash was another renowned singer-songwriter, actor and author, who has been called one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. He was a troubled but devout Christian; he made a spoken word recording of the entire New King James Version of the New Testament. About satisfaction he said, “I have tried drugs and a little of everything else, and there is nothing in the world more soul-satisfying than having the kingdom of God building inside you and growing.”
One of the frequently asked questions among Christian is ‘how can I know my calling?’ The starting point is to exercise diligence and full concentration – doing your best at whatever you are doing today – as for the Lord (Col 3:23); then listen to your heart, seek guidance and opportunities both at Church and in the market place. Your ministry is likely to be in both areas. The journey of discovering is best trodden by trying seriously. As January ends and we look into the heart of the year, numerous unsuspecting opportunities will come your way; take them and you will be immensely blessed by the kingdom of God building and growing in and through you
Nothing is more satisfying than knowing and fulfilling your life purpose – carrying out with all diligence the ministry God chose and equipped you for.
God bless you.